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works of genius中文是什么意思

用"works of genius"造句"works of genius"怎么读"works of genius" in a sentence


  • 天才之作


  • The german gas chambers and crematoriums were not brilliant innovative works of genius .
  • To a life deprived of the works of genius
  • Rembrandt ' s self - portraits are works of genius
  • It ' s a work of genius
  • These three parts of creativity are involved in all the great works of genius , but they are also involved in many of our day - to - day activities
  • To put it succinctly , churchill believed that you could produce something very like a work of genius using office hours . he himself proved that it could be done
  • Then he gives careful instructions for the fortification of the kremlin ; then he makes a plan of the coming campaign over the whole map of russia ; that was a work of genius , indeed
  • The plan of campaign , that work of genius , of which thiers says , that his genius never imagined anything more profound , more skilful , and more admirable , and entering into a polemical discussion with m . fenn , proves that the composition of this work of genius is to be referred , not to the 4th , but to the 15th of octoberthat plan never was and never could be put into execution , because it had nothing in common with the actual facts of the position
    在军事方面,梯也尔在谈到战役的天才计划时说: quesongnienavaitjamaisrienimagindeplusprofond , deplushabileetdeplusadmirable ,梯也尔在和凡先生论战时,在这个问题上证明这个天才计划的制定是针对十月五日的,并不是针对十月四日的,这个计划从来没有也不可能执行,因为它没有任何一点与实际情况相接近。
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